VirtuComics Fair NFT Allocation Policy

2 min readApr 24, 2022


The VirtuComics team loves NFT, we love this new technology and possible multiple uses which mostly have not yet been discovered. The idea of ​​the VirtuComics project is based on the use of NFT technology and its utility, initially in a narrower scope, but eventually to the extent of technological possibilities, appropriate from the point of view of the project goals.

As an NFT project and part of the NFT space, it is impossible not to see the minor or major sins of various NFT projects, which in consequence already affect the perception of NFT by many people outside the web3 community and delay adoption of blockchain.

We are not able to influence the way other projects operate, but we can take care of our project. We want to make commitments to members of VirtuComics community on how we will run the project and issue NFTs. This commitment, which we have called VirtuComics Fair NFT Allocation Policy, applies only to our project, but we hope it will encourage other projects to create their own policies and eventually a new NFT allocation standard will be created.

Fair NFT Allocation Policy

  1. We provide actual utility for VirtuComics NFTs.
  2. We provide the full and transparent information regarding rights and rewards connected with each VirtuComics NFT class.
  3. We care about the value of our VirtuComics NFTs.
  4. We always provide the VirtuComics community with information regarding the status of current VirtuComics NFTs allocation.
  5. No more than 10% of VirtuComics’ NFTs will be allocated to the VirtuComics Team and community members through any kind of whitelisting/giveaways. It may be less, never more.
  6. VirtuComics NFT are not free. During any kind of whitelisting/giveaways the winners will need to complete specific tasks to make the community stronger and more creative.
  7. We provide transparent information about the amount of VirtuComics NFTs allocated to the VirtuComics Team. Each member of VirtuComics Team will make a commitment to hold NFT for at least 12 months after the allocation.
  8. Each member of the VirtuComics Team will be obliged to inform the VirtuComics community about the intention of selling VirtuComics’ NFTs allocated to him/her before it is put up for sale.

Marek Rybacki

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VirtuComics is a blockchain based publishing house for NFT graphic novels and comic books.